OSP with Mark Maradei and the Barbershop Crew: The Waiting is the Hardest part
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What a weekend of football! Yes, we will break it down for you. Yes, we will add our outlandish opinions but we back it with facts. Want to know the turning point in each, maybe the player that did not show up that needed to, perhaps you need some...

What a weekend of football! Yes, we will break it down for you. Yes, we will add our outlandish opinions but we back it with facts. Want to know the turning point in each, maybe the player that did not show up that needed to, perhaps you need some basic info on how these games were approached based off our last shows evaluation. It's all here tonight. Don't forget to chime in our chat with your views and opinions even if they don't really matter to us....psych....lets fire this thing up folks!




Your takeaway of Jayden Daniels performance in the game??


The  Commanders let the pressure get to them or was Philly just too dominant?


Talk about the offensive performance of BOTH Saquon and Hurst. 



Did the refs play a major role in this games outcome?? 


Allen is 0-4 against KC during the playoffs? Are the Bills just cursed in the big games??


Cowboys hire Brian Schottenheimer as new HC. What was Jerry thinking with this move??


Ichiro was 1 vote short of 100% on getting into the MLB HALL OF FAME… Do you have an issue with that 1 voter??


What finalists this year surprised you he still didn’t get in???

Rashene Hill rage against the Rashene- Instagram 

Rashene Hill-facebook 

@rashenehill-tik tok rj the hill-x

Michael “Chops” Mills @therealbigchops 

Terry “T-sizzle” Young : Instagram and Twitter @1tyoungy

Kevin Watson:@coachkwatt10 on threads

Facebook: Kevin Watson

Mike Neubeiser: X and Instagram @CoachNeub 




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Voice intro: Steve Medley

Music by Charlie Hodgson

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https://open.spotify.com/show/3bMNxHBGw0V61LtpSuKh2u https://www.audible.com/pd/Steel-City-Nation-Podcast-Podcast/B08JJMND3F





