If you’re a Steelers fan, how can you not be frustrated?  Honestly, I’m not sure I qualify as a Steelers fan as deep down I’ve been wanting them to lose for many years so we would have a reason to move on from Tomlin.  I can’t stand the guy!  He is and has always been a mediocre coach at best. Beyond the “no losing season” bs, every other fact backs up my statement.  That said, I’ve recently begun to wonder if my distain has been misdirected?  If I had a 16 million dollar a year job and no one held me accountable, I doubt I’d leave it either.  IT’S THE ROONEYS!  When is the last time you heard something from that family that they had a burning desire to win?  Hell, you barely hear of them at all!  I don’t want a meddling Jerry Jones type owner, but I do want someone that wants to win. Someone that isn’t trying to be a football guy, but is holding the football people they employ accountable.  Like so many businesses, when you get a few generations away from the one that started it, the necessary hunger and passion isn’t there to be successful.  That’s where we are folks.  Too far away from “The Chief” and the Rooneys are just enjoying the spoils of being NFL owners… somewhere. 



Doug Riley